thoughts and views

The Power of Music

Music is a fascinating subject. It has the power to bring you to tears, make you feel emotions you didn’t know existed, make you smile so hard or bring you comfort in your time of need. As I mentioned earlier music has the power to bring comfort, but most importantly it can give you hope, where ever you are in the world who ever you are.

For every person the piece that has to power to do that to them is different, for some it could be a Sonata by J.S Bach, a Tchaikovsky symphony, a film score by John Williams or Adele’s latest album. But each one of these can be just as powerful/ moving in emotions for the listener, whether it is a live performance or a recording.

So I find it so sad and awful that authorities: local councils and the government are reducing and even cutting funding for local music services and its part in a education, making it seem that music is not important for a children and that there is little benefit from the subject, when in fact there are huge benefits and can have such a positive impact on a child’s life from increasing their exposure to music.

I was able to see this myself in November when we organised an outreach visit to a primary school close to where I am studying.  Throughout the performance, the children were smiling, swaying to the music and some started singing along with us while we played. It was amazing to see how swept up they became in the music and their eagerness carried through into the workshop, wanting to play and take part. It is one of the best things I have ever done and seeing them smiling made it all worth it.

Which is why I don’t understand why  authorities are determined to cut music out of children’s education, when it should be encouraged as it allows every child to flourish and thrive individually and bring them so much joy.

Let me know what you think, and leave a comment below

Charlotte x



There aren’t many books or films, which I can strongly relate to, and even know and understand some of the struggles. Which is why I feel so strongly about this book and that it should be on every young persons reading list so every young person has the chance to read it. One of the reasons for this is that this is Lily talking about her life and she is writing based on her experiences. And there is a honesty in her writing, which as a young person I loved because it felt like she was often in the room reading it to me.

Another reason this book is important is Collins talks about issues that have affected her including her eating disorder and past relationships, and each of these is their own chapter. They aren’t brushed over as in many conversations today or given a couple of lines in the middle of the book and even not mentioned at all. Instead she writes long ‘essays’, which is how she describes her chapters, about them and writing about the aftermath and how the recovery is still on going.

For me I found a comfort in her pages, and surprisingly reassurance which I never thought I’d find through reading a book. So give it a read, its one that you won’t regret, I promise that.

Heres till the next time

Charlotte x

thoughts and views


If I could recount every time I’ve been told that change is good, I’d have no need for my student loan. But it can be hugely underestimated how much of an effect it can have on us.

My life has been through so much change that sometimes I don’t even recognise it. Don’t get me wrong, some of it has been incredible and other parts have made my life so much better. But some of the change has been heartbreaking and only now I am beginning to come to grips with it. 

One of the changes that I am finally accepting and realising the consequences is moving house. Now in fairness I know loads of people do this all the time but I have never moved not until I started uni. From the moment I was born I have always lived in the house. Originally I was very in different about it and was ready for the change but it’s when you are show what follows next, that for me was when the magnitude of this hit me.

So this is how I coped and still am coping with it:

1. Crying- in a way I am grieving a loss of something that has been a fundamental part of my life and if you need to cry for your own reasons then let go and cry.

2. I have started to create an album of happy memories and good times over all the years spent in the house. But make sure it’s positive.

And lastly

3. Take the time you need to adjust to the change in your own life because we all process things differently and at different speeds. So never be hurried into accepting changes sooner than you ate.

If you have any thoughts you want to share leave a comment below.

Love Charlotte x

TV and Film, Uncategorized

Being a ‘fan’

Today it is a given to be a ‘fan’ of something from a comic to a film or someone. But often I get people turn to me and say ‘your obsessed with…’ or ‘I wouldn’t have put you down as being a fan of…’. On separate occasions I have also been told I need to ‘get a life’ and lastly that it is only a passing phase. 

Yes that is true everyone has periods in their life where they are short and you are discovering what you love and don’t love. But to me I have found that you find yourself a fan of someone/thing because of so many reasons but also through the connection you form. Through this connection and love it can provide a person a lot of things: comfort, hope, encouragement, joy, happiness, friendship. In my opinion I think that this list is endless because it is different for each person. 

One thing I realised recently was the reason for the thorough questioning about my loves is because I am a woman. I know many men who have obsessions and huge fans over many different things but I have never known them be asked ‘why?’ had all the questions I have been asked thrown them or been told it’s weird. 

So my question to all of them is why can’t a woman be a fan? Why can’t a woman be passionate and devoted to a film/ TV show/ actress/actor. When the media has been produced for everyone to enjoy: woman, man, child let them all enjoy the work.

So my last bit is if someone tells you they are a fan of something be positive about and be respectful. I’d love to know your views and opinions about this.

Charlotte x


Dare to be Wild

Interesting title don’t you think? For me this title makes me imagine images and scenes which have nothing to do with the plot of this film.

This film was released back in 2015 and for me what makes this so endearing and a beautiful film is that it is a true story, an Irishwoman Mary Reynolds who works as a landscaper and wants to compete in the Chelsea Flower Show. The film follows her through on her journey to compete in this competition. 

One name you may recognise on the cast list is Tom Hughes, who in Autumn played the role of Prince Albert in ITV’s Victoria. He stars as the leading man in the film supporting Emma Greenwell in her portrayal of Ms Reynolds. 

This film for is such a good example for young girls and women of preserving and following their dreams even if there are obstacles large and small because the end result will make it all worth it. What is also lovely about it, is it will give you a smile and bring you some hope.


Charlotte x



Welcome to my Library!


Welcome, I hope you have a cosy seat or if your standing while reading this I hope you can find that cosy spot perfect for reading. Here you will find a range of posts from my thoughts and views on a variety of topics, reviews and recommendations to stories I want to share with you all. 

As well as sharing my own thoughts, I would love for you to express yours here too, so feel free to ask any questions and comment away. 

I hope you enjoy your time in my library, 

Charlotte x